Putting Your Health First Isn’t Selfish – A Valentine’s Day Look at the Importance of Self-Care

How are you? (Really) 

Valentine’s Day is traditionally centered around love and relationships. This year we wanted to examine the relationship with the self.

Life in 2023 is busy. We all rush around completing our to-do lists, taking care of kids, family, and obligations we have to jobs and other social circles. We put a lot of effort into caring for others around us – our boss, supervisors, colleagues, kids, and even pets. This often does not leave a lot of time for us.

It’s a noble thing to be a selfless caring person. Admirable even. However, it must be remembered that you are always to be number one in your own life. Without you, all these things would not get done and the people in your life would not be cared for.

It is difficult for some people to put themselves first, they feel selfish doing so. But consider for a moment, if it seems too off-putting to place yourself first, try placing yourself on equal ground with the rest of your loved ones. You are, at the very least, as important as they are.

This is especially important when it comes to the health aspect of self-care. We see patients that will put off scheduling a doctor appointment until they become very ill. In some cases, it would have done them a world of good to take time and come in sooner.

This Valentine’s Day we are asking you to create just one act of love toward yourself. If you have been putting off seeing a physician we would love to see you in our office here in Fort Myers, Florida. If you are feeling fine – choose one thing that makes you happy – Something that makes you feel good and treat yourself.

This is a stressful world we live in and stress is a huge factor in illness. Making time for yourself and declaring yourself a priority isn’t selfish. It’s vital.

Happy Valentine’s Day!
From all of us here at IMLWP!

To book a consult, click here or call 239-362-3005, ext. 200. Dr. Kordonowy and Dr. Marconi are concierge, and patient membership physicians in Fort Myers, and provide direct primary care services.


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