
Tag: fort myers direct primary care doctor

Health and Wellness
Holistic Healthcare

The term “holistic” is often associated with unscientific alternative medicine, but there is in fact a holistic way of approaching health that understands the mind

Common Nutritional Deficiencies

Even in Western countries where food is relatively plentiful, there are still millions of people who suffer from nutritional deficiencies.  Often, these deficiencies express themselves

Nutrition for the Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again: the holidays! Fortunately, or unfortunately (whichever way you look at it), these holidays bring a lot of food to

Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism

Have you ever felt like your metabolism may be off? Do you have difficulty losing weight? Experienced unexplained weight gain?  Hair loss? Chronic fatigue? You

Optimizing Your Nutrition

Looking for a new “diet”? Need to drop a few pounds? Looking for a healthier eating strategy? The information readily available these days is nearly

Feel the Burn: Facts About UTIs

Did you know around 10 million doctor office visits and 1.5 million hospitalizations per year are due to urinary tract infections (UTIs)?  In fact, one