
Author: Dr. Raymond Kordonowy

How to Keep Your Gut Happy

Keeping your gut happy is important. Many studies have shown that gut health has an impact on many other areas of your body. There are

The Pros of Using a Fitbit

By now, you’ve probably heard a lot about the Fitbit. In fact, you probably know someone who uses one. Simply, it is a fitness tracker,

What Are Heat Exhaustion and Heatstroke?

Summer is here, which means it’s extremely hot and humid in Florida. In this state, the average temperature is around 82 degrees Fahrenheit during the

What is Aortic Valve Disease?

Heart disease isn’t just one thing. There are many different cardiovascular conditions that are categorized as heart disease. For this article, I wanted to focus

What is A Morton’s Neuroma?

If you’ve ever had a neuroma, you know how excruciating painful they can feel. A neuroma is a benign growth of nerve tissue, or the

Dr. Kordonowy’s Updated Concierge Plans

As a concierge doctor, Dr. Kordonowy has a direct relationship with his patients. What does this mean? In his practice, Dr. Kordonowy offers personalized and

The Dangers of High Blood Pressure

It’s pretty common knowledge that high blood pressure, also known as essential hypertension, is not a good thing. It’s important to be aware of your

Why Yo-Yo Dieting Isn’t Healthy

Dieting can have an array of health benefits.  Certain types of dieting can cause a person’s body more harm than good. One type that can