
Tips for Exercising

Exercising is important to staying healthy and should be part of any healthy lifestyle, but if you’ve never really been an active person before, or if you have medical issues that make exercising difficult, it can be hard to go from being a sedentary person to an active one.  However, exercising shouldn’t be that complicated.  The most important aspect is to get out and get moving.  The body is designed to move, and moving it will help keep it functioning well.  When you want to start being active, here are a few things to consider:

One of the most difficult things about exercise is finding something to do that will keep you engaged and interested and follow through on the change in your lifestyle even when it becomes difficult or when your favorite TV show is on.  Consider what sounds fun to you.  Some people like the idea of walking or running in unfamiliar places to fulfill that sense of exploration and adventure.  Others may enjoy games or competition.  Still others want to find a group of people to help keep them going.  Whatever it is that will motivate you to keep working at it, try to find an activity or exercise that you will find exciting and interesting.

Types of Exercise
There are three basic kinds of exercise: Aerobic exercise, also called “cardio”; Stretching; and strength training.  Generally, most activities will include aspects of all three.  For example, if you decide to take up running, you will want to stretch beforehand to keep your muscles loose, and the running itself is aerobic, while the effort it takes to push yourself forward with each step builds strength.  Whatever kind of activity you are interested in, be sure to consider each of these kinds of exercise to understand how they work with that activity.

How Much?
The general advice you will get about exercise is to try and perform some kind of moderate-intensity activity at least 5 days a week for about 30 minutes per day.  However, if you’re just getting started, you may need to take it slow and gradually work up to that kind of schedule.  In addition, you may have to work up to moderate intensity: a brisk walk is considered moderate intensity, but maybe at first you’ll want to walk at a more manageable pace and let your body get used to the increased activity.  In addition, with our busy lives, you will probably need to find some kind of activity that you can easily schedule pretty much every day.  Going for a walk or a jog before or after work is a good way to stay on schedule, but find what works for you.

If you’re just starting an exercise regime, be sure to get a physician’s advice.  In addition, pay careful attention to what your body is telling you.  Although some discomfort is normal when you start exercising, because you’ll be using muscles and your body in ways it’s not accustomed to, be aware of any pain or pressure in your chest or if you have trouble breathing.  If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, stop and seek medical advice.  Nevertheless, your body should quickly acclimate to your new exercise regime and you’ll be surprised at what you can do that you couldn’t before.

Exercise is probably the best thing you can do for your overall health and wellness, and it’s also the easiest treatment you can do for yourself.  However, you should always get a physician’s advice, especially if you suffer any medical complications.  If you’re interested in improving your health and want the advice of an experienced physician who cares about overall patient wellness and health, be sure to contact Dr. Kordonowy at Internal Medicine, Lipids, and Wellness Practice of Fort Myers today at (239) 362-3005 (ext. 200).

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