
Target Your Nutritional Needs with PureGenomics®

You are unique! Your genetic makeup is unique. This means, many of the answers to your health and wellness are inside of you. Your genome, or your set of genes, gives practitioners and researchers the opportunity to better test you to optimize your health.

Through genetic testing, you and your doctor can become more empowered with information that can better help you both make more effective decisions for your health. The PureGenomics® platform is used to help identify Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), which are common genetic variations, that are clinically relevant and nutritionally actionable. This platform can translate genetic information for targeted SNPs. SNPS explain many of the differences between individuals. When a doctor knows what SNPS a person has, this allows him or her to be more precise with nutritional recommendations which may enhance optimal cellular metabolism and function.

PureGenomics® is a practitioner-exclusive website application. Dr. Kordonowy is enrolled on this site and has access to his patients testing results if the patient consents to accessing the data. Once Dr. Kordonowy’s patients’ results have been processed, a report is generated and the patient can share the results with him.

When you enroll on the PureGenomics® site, you will get “gene defined,” tailored, supplementation recommendations. This site looks at nutrient-related gene variants, and can predict weight management issues and liver and mitochondrial (cellular) detoxification weaknesses.

Bullet Point: The PureGenomics® platform filter can incorporate your specific genetic information for targeted and actionable metabolic and nutrition related functions. It is a collaborative effort with 23 and Me®- a widely available, affordable genetic testing company.

  • It tests for nutritionally-relevant SNPS with saliva-based personal genome analysis kits by 23andMe, which is a personal genomics and biotechnology company. To order a kit, visit 23andMe.com and follow the instructions to obtain the results.
  • It translates the results to nutritional recommendations by receiving the 23andME® results and identifying actionable SNPs.
  • It targets with personalized nutritional support.

This testing for common genetic variations allows practitioners to more effectively treat patients based on their individual needs.

For more information, watch this video.

If this testing sounds like something you are interested in, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kordonowy to help you get more precision in your health and wellness. To book an appointment, click here or call 239-362-3005, ext. 200.  Dr. Kordonowy is a concierge, patient membership physician in Fort Myers, and provides direct primary care services.

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